Surround yourself with smarter than you
I want to express my thought a little bit on how important are the people you surround yourself with. If you ever took interest in growth and high performance or you are a high performer, you probably already new this. We also all heard of saying: tell me what your friends are, I'll tell you who you are. Yes, that is true. Now you can make two conclusions out of this: You should think of where you are in your life. If not, think of what people surround you. Are they where they want to be in their lives? Do they strive to become the best versions of them selves? Even if you are where you want to be or are working on that, the people around you are either pushing you towards greatness or holding you back. Use this to your advantage. Loose bad influence friends and find the ones who will teach you and inspire you. Now, I was talking about high performance and inspiration, but the title mentions smart people. Well, those who reach the hight in their lives are smart. From a ...